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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A retrospecticus

Atticus is 7. We're not sure how that happened so quickly.

He has brought us so much joy and happiness (and tears, don't forget the tears). Atticus is full of love and loyalty, wonder and awe, awareness and intellect, respect and determination, drive and focus, and the list goes on. He loves his family and friends fiercely and unconditionally. He is brilliant beyond words. He loves attention and interaction. He is a kid who squeals with joy when there is a set back during a game, just because it means the interaction will last longer. He is constantly pushing us to become better parents and to relearn everything we ever knew. He is more than the experimental first child. He is the answer to our dreams, the force behind our growth and development, and the leader into our future.

The first year

The second year

Three (sorry, can't figure out the flip)

And all the growing up he has done over the past year

When we found out he was a boy and told people his name, someone once said, "Wow! That's a big name to live up to!" We think he's well on his way. Happy birthday to Atticus Winfield. Happy birthday precious child!

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